Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub
Representative – Semi-Annual Meeting
Sawgrass Country Club
June 27, 2016
The Semi-Annual Meeting of the member Club Representatives of the Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub was held June 27, 2016 at the Sawgrass Country Club. Present were Ray Mantle, Jose De Rojas, Allen Witham, Dave Spring, Ray Cabano, Jon Ross, Jon Peterson, Bill Basney, Dick Fruechtenicht, Mike Lamphier, John Brown, Bruce MacDonald, Glenn Dobrick and Wib Finch. Skip Lunsford, Bob McBride, Barney Poston and Jack Garrity were not present.
The meeting started shortly after 10 AM. Allen Witham acted as the Meeting Facilitator and Ray Mantle acted as the Secretary of the Meeting. Allen had earlier sent out the agenda and made some introductory remarks. Glenn Dobrick welcomed everyone to the Sawgrass Country Club and hosted the meeting facilities.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of the December 17, 2015 Annual Meeting. After some discussion, by resolution made and passed the minutes were approved as earlier circulated and submitted.
Acting Treasurer Bruce MacDonald gave a financial report as of June 27, 2016 with a balance of $3688.44 after payment of all expenses.
Dave Spring, Chairman of the Conduct Committee, reported there was nothing to report.
Allen Witham, Chairman of the Handicapping Report, also said there was no report.
Bill Basney, Scheduling Chairman, reported on the dates for the 2016 season (including the Poston Cup at Deerwood Country Club in November) and that contracts either had been signed or had been sent for signature by the Clubs. The 2017 season will start with Marsh Landing in December 2016. The 2016 schedule is posted on the SMI website.
Allen Witham reporting for Barney Poston, SMI Chairman Emeritus and Webmaster, noted the new website was working well. Allen requested approval for expenditure of $20 to acquire software used to publish the SMI newsletter. Approval was given by unanimous vote.
Jack Garrity not being present no Technology report was given.
Allen Witham gave a short Tournament Chair report. He noted that six monthly tournaments have been conducted in 2016 without any weather cancellations or delays and that the tournaments were running smoothly under the system where each Club Rep acted as the Tournament Director for the SMI tournament held at his club.
Old Business
At the December 2015 meeting Bill Basney had said he would study the revised wording of Rule 3-4 to see what further revision might be appropriate for consideration at the June 2016 meeting regarding setting tees as near as feasible to 6,000 yards. Bill reported he had no proposed revision for consideration.
At the December 2015 meeting Bill Basney raised for discussion the organization’s domain name, website and other branding considerations and had said he would study the matter further to see what might be appropriate for consideration at the June 2016 meeting. Bill reported he had no proposals for consideration. However Bill suggested that one name be consistently used for branding purposes.
New Business
Discussion about replacing St Johns as a member club was raised. Allen Witham reported Palencia had inquired about becoming a member club. Discussion followed about the relative size of fields, pace of play, etc. The matter was tabled with no resolution.
On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously passed it was agreed that St Johns would be removed from the SMI scoreboard.
Discussion then turned to the conditions at Magnolia Point for the June 2016 tournament. Bill Basney moved and Jose DeRojas seconded that Magnolia Point be invited to leave after the 2016 season. The vote failed. Bill Basney reported Magnolia Point is scheduled to hold the June 2017 tournament. John Brown reported that Magnolia Point planned on replacing the greens. By motion made, seconded and duly passed, it was agreed that Magnolia Point would be suspended as a host club for the entire 2017 season, that the Magnolia Point Club Rep report to the Magnolia Point management the dissatisfaction of the SMI Club representatives and report at the December 2016 meeting on the plans and commitment of the Magnolia Point management to remediate the unsatisfactory course conditions and lunch menu.
Discussion then turned to the starting time for Summer months, difficulty in signing up full teams, etc. The question was raised if it would be better not to play all 12 months (omission of January due to cold and July and August due to heat) and perhaps to double up some months as an alternative. Glenn Dobrick moved and Allen Witham seconded that ten (10) matches, plus the Poston Cup, be scheduled each year starting with the 2017 season and that the Scheduling Chairman have discretion to choose the month to be omitted. The motion was passed by unanimous vote.
Discussion then turned to preparation of the scanning scorecards by the hosting Club. SMI would provide the scorecards, printer, ink, and software. The task takes about 2 hours each month, because the scorecards must be fed into the printer singly. In the past Jack Garrity has handled the printing and while he is on vacation Allen Witham has been doing it. After discussion it was agreed that the hosting Club was not an acceptable choice, but instead it might be feasible to hire a technically adept student to handle the printing chores. Ray Mantle agreed to investigate this possibility.
Allen Witham appointed a Nominating Committee consisting of Glenn Dobrick, Dave Spring and Bill Basney. A slate of nominees for Chairman; Vice Chairman; Treasurer; and Secretary will be voted on at the December meeting.
Allen Witham appointed Jon Peterson and Ray Cabano to be the Co-Chairmen for the Poston Cup tournament at Deerwood in November.
Dick Fruechtenicht then proposed the SMI Local Rules be modified to reflect the changes made by the USGA for distance measuring devices which have capability to do more than measure distance. On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously passed it was agreed that the SMI Local Rules be so modified. Dick Fruechtenicht said he would send the text of the revised USGA Local Rule option to the Club Reps and Jack Garrity so the text of the SMI Local Rules could be appropriately modified.
Other Notes and Adjournment
The location and date of the December 2016 meeting was confirmed for San Jose CC on a date to be confirmed by Bill Basney.
There being no other business raised for consideration by the meeting, it was duly adjourned about 11:30 AM. A lunch was then enjoyed by a number of the representatives.
Respectfully submitted
/Ray A. Mantle/
Ray A. Mantle, Secretary of the Meeting