Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub
Representative – Annual Meeting
San Jose Country Club
December 17, 2015
The Annual Meeting of the member Club Representatives of the Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub was held December 17, 2015 at the San Jose Country Club. Present were Ray Mantle, Barney Poston, Dave Noble, Allen Witham, Skip Lunsford, Dave Spring, Ray Cabano, Jon Ross, Patrick O’Neill, Bill Basney, Jock Ochiltree, Bob McBride, Dick Fruechtenicht, Mike Lamphier, Bill Ross, Bruce MacDonald, Glenn Dobrick and Jack Garrity.
The meeting started shortly after 9AM. Ray Mantle acted as the Meeting Facilitator and Bruce MacDonald acted as the Secretary of the Meeting. Ray had earlier sent out the agenda and made some introductory remarks, including observing Osprey Cove’s representative was not present. Bill Basney welcomed everyone to the San Jose Country Club and hosted the meeting facilities.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of the June 18, 2015 meeting. After some discussion about posting of the minutes on the SMI website, by resolution made and passed the minutes were approved as earlier circulated and submitted.
Treasurer Dave Noble gave a financial report as of December 1, 2015 with a balance of $1,622.74 after payment of all expenses and prizes awarded at the Poston Cup at Deerwood Country Club in November.
Dave Spring, Chairman of the Conduct Committee, reported there was nothing to report.
Allen Witham, Chairman of the Handicapping Report, also said there was no report.
Bill Basney, Scheduling Chairman, reported on the dates for the 2016 season (including the Poston Cup at Deerwood Country Club in November) and that contracts either had been signed or had been sent for signature by the Clubs. The 2016 schedule will be posted on the SMI website.
Barney Poston, SMI Chairman Emeritus and Webmaster, reported on his duties as webmaster, noted the new website was working well, Google was paying for clicks on the advertisements on the website ($119.72 had recently been sent to the SMI Treasurer) and there was room for additional advertisements. Barney noted the domain name was coming up for renewal. After discussion, it was agreed that Barney would renew the domain name for one year.
Jack Garrity gave the Technology report, including demonstrations of the electronic scoring and scorecard printing systems. The scoring system comprises four software applications (“apps”). First, the ScoreKeeper (SK) app is a commercial package acquired long ago; it is used to maintain the handicap database, create the monthly pairings, and spawn five files posted to our webpage: Foursomes, Roster, All Hcps, Daily Totals, and Score Histories. The other three apps are implemented as macro-enabled Excel files:
- KDS is used to print our scorecards and collect scores on game day. In its scoring function, KDS applies the SMI handicaps, calculates Stableford points, and sends the day’s results to SK.
- KDT tallies ESC, Pts, and subpar data from KDS in order to rank the daily and season standings and record individual highlights.
- KDP projects scoreboard data from KDS and KDT on an HDTV display.
A fifth app has been added to the software repertoire. CRD is a trimmed-down version of KDS that will facilitate scorecard printing by the host club.
Jack also reported on commercial printing of the scanning scorecards; an estimated year’s supply of professionally printed blank cards had been initially ordered. Due to printing errors, etc. in producing score cards for the SMI tournaments, Jack noted it would be necessary to place an additional order, but the cost would be reduced from 26 cents to 18 cents per scorecard because a setup charge would not be incurred. After discussion, Jack’s ordering of a one year supply of professionally printed scorecards was approved.
Jack explained in detail the process to print the scorecards. He said that it took about four hours each month to set up the team rosters and make the initial pairings using the SK app then an additional 1½ hours to print the scorecards with KDS or CRD: the laser printer overheats if multiple cards are loaded; singly printing the cards is more tedious but effective. After the match, it takes about two hours to audit the scorecards to ensure the hole-by-hole written scores correspond to the hole-by-hole shaded ovals read by the OMR scanner.
Under a new arrangement to be put into effect as soon as the February tournament at Orange Park, each club representative will take custody of an SMI netbook loaded with the CRD app, 130 preprinted scorecard blanks, and an SMI laser printer to create the scorecards. The SMI Scorekeeper will email the CRD app to the club representative (tournament director) on Thursday evening or Friday morning preceding the match.
The Club Representatives thanked Jack for his work in developing the electronic scoring system and training the Club Representatives in its use.
Ray Mantle gave a short Tournament Chair report. He noted that twelve monthly tournaments had been conducted in 2015 without any weather cancellations or delays and that the tournaments were running smoothly under the system where each Club Rep acted as the Tournament Director for the SMI tournament held at his club.
Old Business
Ray Mantle briefly addressed the delegation of duties to the Club Reps and asked if anyone had any suggestions for changes, etc.
The use of name tags at the Annual and Semi-Annual meetings of Club Representatives was discussed. Bruce MacDonald showed a card stock placecard he had prepared which could be put on the table before each Club Representative. By acclamation the preparation and placement of such name cards by the Secretary was approved and authorized.
Bill Basney raised the question if the revised wording of Rule 3-4 at the June 18th meeting was clear by its reference to setting tees as near as feasible to 6,000 yards. Discussion followed about consideration of a course’s other characteristics and relative difficulty of play, but no better wording was suggested. Bill Basney said he would study the wording further to see what might be appropriate for consideration at the June 2016 meeting.
New Business
Patrick O’Neill gave the report for the Nominating Committee (which included Bill Basney and Mike Keyes). Pat noted the slate of officer nominees was limited to a single person for each office as follows: Chairman – Bill Basney; Vice Chairman – Allen Witham; Treasurer – Dave Noble; and Secretary – Bruce MacDonald. By unanimous voice vote the slate of nominees was duly elected, to serve according to the Rules.
The next order of business related to posting of team rosters and changes made after such posting. Barney Poston described the process to make changes and the time involved to revise pairings, etc. After discussion, no proposals were forthcoming, but it was suggested that if a player was tentative it usually would be better to include him in the initial posting rather than leave the spot blank and add him later.
The next new business was discussion lead by Skip Lunsford about the USGA Rule prohibiting anchored putting effective January 1st. Barney said he could include on the SMI website an article about the new Rule if someone would send him the material.
The next item related to revision of the duties of the Vice Chair to omit any text about succession to the SMI Chairman. Bill Basney explained that provision had deterred some persons approached by the Nominating Committee. The revised text set forth below was duly approved and adopted.
“The Vice Chair will perform the duties of the SMI Chairman in the event of the SMI Chairman’s absence or inability to serve. In addition, he shall perform those duties assigned by the SMI Chairman or by a majority vote of the Club Representatives. “
Bill Basney raised for discussion the organization’s domain name, website and other branding considerations. After some discussion, Bill Basney said he would study the matter further to see what might be appropriate for consideration at the June 2016 meeting.
The location and date of the June 2016 and December 2016 meetings was then raised for discussion. Subject to confirmation by Sawgrass CC, Glenn Dobrick proposed the June 2016 meeting be at Sawgrass CC. San Jose CC agreed to host the December 2016 meeting. Glenn Dobrick and Bill Basney will check the availability of dates for the meetings.
Other Notes and Adjournment
Ray Mantle noted the announcement sent by Jon Peterson regarding Osprey Cove seeking reciprocal arrangements for its members.
There being no other business raised for consideration by the meeting, it was duly adjourned about 11:45 AM. After lunch a number of the representatives enjoyed a round of golf on the San Jose Country Club course.
Respectfully submitted
/Bruce MacDonald/
Bruce MacDonald, Secretary