Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub Representatives
Annual Meeting
San Jose Country Club
December 15, 2016
The Annual Meeting of the member Club Representatives of the Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub was held December 15, 2016 at the San Jose Country Club. Present were Ray Mantle, Jose De Rojas, Allen Witham, Dave Spring, Ray Cabano, Joe Pierce for Jon Ross, Jon Peterson, Bill Basney, Dick Fruechtenicht, Mike Lamphier, John Brown, Bruce MacDonald, Glenn Dobrick, Skip Lunsford, Bob McBride, Barney Poston and Jack Garrity. Mike Trinley, Magnolia Point’s pro, arrived towards the end of the meeting.
The meeting started shortly after 9 AM. Allen Witham acted as the Meeting Facilitator and Ray Mantle acted as the Secretary of the Meeting. Allen had earlier sent out the agenda. Bill Basney welcomed everyone to the San Jose Country Club and hosted the meeting facilities.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of the June 27, 2016 Semi-Annual Meeting. By resolution made and passed the minutes were approved as earlier circulated and submitted.
Acting Treasurer Bruce MacDonald gave a financial report as of November 30, 2016 with a balance of $734.61 after payment of all expenses through and including the Poston Cup tournament at Deerwood.
Dave Spring, Chairman of the Conduct Committee, reported there was nothing to report.
Allen Witham, Chairman of the Handicapping Report, also said there was no report.
Bill Basney, Scheduling Chairman, reported on the dates for the 2017 season and the contracts either signed or sent for signature by the Clubs. The 2017 season started with Marsh Landing in December 2016. The 2017 schedule is posted on the SMI website.
Barney Poston, SMI Chairman Emeritus and Webmaster, reported on the SMI website and noted that it was working well. SMI does not pay a hosting fee for its website. Barney encouraged the Club representatives to have all SMI Members sign up for the SMI emails and Newsletters.
Jack Garrity, SMI’s Technology Advisor, gave a Technology Report. A copy of Jack’s report is available on the SMI website.
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
After discussion by resolution duly made and seconded, Deerwood was approved as the site of the 2017 Poston Cup in November 2017.
Bill Basney gave the report of the Nominating Committee consisting of Glenn Dobrick, Dave Spring and Bill Basney. The nominees are Allen Witham for Chairman, Dick Fruechtenicht for Vice Chairman, Bruce MacDonald for Treasurer and Ray Mantle for Secretary. By unanimous vote the Report was accepted and the nominated persons were elected to their respective offices, to serve until the Annual Meeting in December 2017.
John Brown gave a report on the plans and commitment of the Magnolia Point management to remediate the unsatisfactory course conditions and lunch menu experienced at the 2016 tournament there. After discussion about the planned changes in the Magnolia Point golf course and menu, by motion made, seconded and duly passed, it was agreed that Magnolia Point remain suspended as a host club for the entire 2017 season and that the Magnolia Point Club Rep report at both the June 2017 Semi-Annual Meeting and the December 2017 Annual Meeting on the status of the planned golf course improvements, etc. Member Club representatives will be invited to play the MP course after the planned improvements have been made, with a final decision on MP’s status to be made at the December 2017 Annual Meeting.
Whether to keep awarding double points at the Poston Cup tournament was discussed; by resolution duly made and seconded a motion to keep awarding double points at the Poston Cup tournament was passed.
Whether to continue post match audits of scorecards to correct individual and team scores and individual handicaps was discussed. Jack Garrity presented a table showing the number of post match audit adjustments made in the past several years. By resolution duly made and seconded a motion to eliminate future post match audits was passed.
Ray Mantle moved to permit concession of short putts. After discussion, the motion died for lack of a second.
Revision of Rule 3-4 regarding selection of tees to be played at SMI events was discussed. It was agreed that each Club Representative would send to Dick Fruechtenicht the tees (including yardage, rating and slope) to be used at SMI events at his Club. This information will be circulated to all Club Representatives and posted on the SMI website. In addition, Dick Fruechtenicht will draft revised Rule 3-4 wording to accommodate this revised methodology for tee designation. Once this revised Rule 3-4 wording has been circulated to all of the Club Reps and accepted, it will be posted on the SMI website as part of the SMI Rules.
Skip Lunsford then addressed if SMI should have a policy for no shows, noting that commitments for the number of persons at lunch, etc. had an economic aspect. Bill Basney noted the contract terms with the Clubs do not allocate the monies paid to the Clubs other than the prizes to be awarded and does not guarantee a minimum number of players, etc., so that the Clubs have to cover all internal costs out of the revenues received. Accordingly, no change was made.
Late arrival of players was then discussed. After discussion, by resolution duly made and seconded the following policy regarding late arrivals was adopted.
SMI will not delay more than five minutes the scheduled time to depart the cart staging area due to late arrival of a Club’s team members; if one or more of a Club’s team members are not present when the carts depart the staging area, those players may join their assigned foursomes on the course ASAP after their arrival, with a zero score assigned for all holes missed by such players in catching up with their assigned foursomes. The Committee may modify application of this Policy in any particular situation as it determines at that time.
Ray Mantle proposed the SMI Rules include a pace of play policy and definition of slow play or undue delay, including assessment by the Committee of penalties for slow play or undue delay under the Rules of Golf. After discussion, by resolution duly made and seconded the following policy regarding slow play or undue delay was adopted.
The SMI Chairman in conjunction with each host Club Representative shall designate two Course Marshalls or Rangers to monitor the front nine and back nine of the course for slow play or undue delay. Upon observation after the first hour of play, the Course Marshall or Ranger shall give a warning for the first slow play or undue delay offense by a group, give notice of any further offenses by a group and report to the Committee so it might determine if any penalties should be assessed pursuant to Rule 32-1(b) of the Rules of Golf. In general, if a group has one or more holes open in front of it, that would be evidence of slow play.
Ray Mantle proposed the SMI Rules be revised to designate the bubble score recorded on the SMI scorecards be the official score. After discussion, by resolution duly made and seconded the following revised Rule 6-1 was adopted;
6-1. Scorecards
We require complete and legible scorecards signed by both the marker and the player. Scorecards must include the first and last name of the player, his SMI member number using shaded bubbles and his handicap. The scorecards will include bubbles to be filled in to record the player’s hole by hole gross score. The filled in bubbles will be a player’s official gross score; the scorecard will be scanned and a player’s total gross score and Stableford points will be calculated and posted electronically using the software prepared by Jack Garrity. Scanning of the scorecard, electronic calculation of a player’s gross score and Stableford points and posting of the same will be the Committee’s final action and no change in a player’s gross score or Stableford points will be made once results of the tournament have been announced absent manifest fraud or Committee error affecting the entire field.
Once a scorecard is signed by both the marker and player and submitted to the scoring table, no alterations to the scorecard may be made without permission of the Committee.
Other Notes and Adjournment
The location and date of the June 2017 meeting was confirmed for Eagle Harbor on June 8, 2017.
There being no other business raised for consideration by the meeting, it was duly adjourned about 11:30 AM. A lunch followed by golf was then enjoyed by a number of the representatives.
Respectfully submitted
/Ray A. Mantle/
Ray A. Mantle, Secretary of the Meeting