Minutes 6-2017

Minutes of the

Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub Representative

Semi-Annual Meeting

Eagle Harbor Golf Club

June 8, 2017

The Semi-Annual Meeting of the member Club Representatives of the Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub was held June 8, 2017 at the Eagle Harbor Golf Club.  Present were Ray Mantle, Jose De Rojas, Allen Witham, Dave Spring, Ray Cabano, Joe Pierce for Jon Ross, Jon Peterson, Bill Basney,   Dick Fruechtenicht, Mike Lamphier, John Brown, Bruce MacDonald, Glenn Dobrick, Skip Lunsford, John Davis for Bob McBride and Jack Garrity.

The meeting started shortly after 9 AM. Allen Witham acted as the Meeting Facilitator and Ray Mantle acted as the Secretary of the Meeting.  Allen had earlier sent out the agenda.    Mike Lamphier welcomed everyone to the Eagle Harbor Golf Club and hosted the meeting facilities.

The first order of business was approval of the minutes of the December 15, 2016 Annual Meeting.  By resolution made and passed the minutes were approved as earlier circulated and submitted. The minutes are posted on the SMI website.


SMI Treasurer Bruce MacDonald gave a financial report as of December 31, 2016 with a balance of $734.61 after payment of all expenses through and including the Poston Cup Tournament.  As of June 8, 2017 the balance is $ 2011.71.  A copy of the 2016 income statement is attached as Exhibit A.

Dave Spring, Chairman of the Conduct Committee,  reported there was nothing to report.

Allen Witham, Chairman of the Handicapping Committee, also said there was no report.  There was some discussion about the duties of the Handicapping Committee and whether it might be eliminated.

Bill Basney, Scheduling Chairman, reported on the dates for the 2017 season and the 2018 season and the status of contracts either signed or sent for signature by the Clubs. The 2017 and 2018 schedules to date are posted on the SMI website.

Barney Poston, SMI Chairman Emeritus and Webmaster was not present.  Jack Garrity, SMI’s Technology Advisor, reported that he was not aware of any issues regarding the SMI website.

Jack Garrity, SMI’s Technology Advisor, gave a Technology Report. To assist Jack’s pairing efforts, each Club Representative is to provide the course loading information for his Club, which information will be used to allocate foursomes to designated holes in a effort to reduce backups at the tee boxes.

Dick Fruechtenicht gave a report for the Task Force on Pace of Play.  The agreed consensus was that a 4 ½ hour round was the objective in addressing course loading, slow play, etc.  Discussion then focused on how to achieve this goal, including each Club Representative speaking with his team members about pace of play and measures to address it. At the June 19 tournament at Queen’s Harbour Dick Fruechtenicht, Skip Lunsford and Glenn Dobrick will be stationed at Holes 2, 8 and 14 to monitor the pace of play.  In addition, Skip’s Tips will be included in the remarks at the start of the event and each foursome will be asked to have one member report on the starting and ending time of the group’s round.

Old Business

John Brown reported on events at Magnolia Point Golf & CC regarding the course condition, Club commitments to course improvements and maintenance, etc.  After discussion, by resolution duly made, seconded and passed, in view of the continuing problems of the Magnolia Point course condition and the uncertainty whether the Club’s management would correct the conditions in an acceptable manner and time it was agreed that Magnolia Point Golf & CC will be removed as an SMI member effective the end of the 2017 season upon conclusion of the Poston Cup tournament in November.  Magnolia Point Golf & CC is eligible to apply for re-admission to SMI membership once its course conditions have been upgraded to an acceptable standard.

New Business

The application of The Palencia Club to join SMI as a member club was discussed. Allen Witham reported on The Palencia Club’s ability to host a SMI tournament, including its dining room seating capacity, carts, etc.  Glenn Dobrick, Skip Lunsford and Ray Mantle reported on the Palencia course and facilities based on their visit and inspection of the front nine holes on June 7th.  After discussion by resolution duly made and seconded, the application of The Palencia Club to join SMI as a member club was approved effective upon commencement of the 2018 season, provided that The Palencia Club meets certain conditions to be specified in the Chairman’s letter notifying Palencia of its admission to SMI membership.

Allen Witham appointed Glenn Dobrick as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.  Glenn will recruit two other Club Representatives to serve on the Nominating Committee with him. The report of the Nominating Committee is due at the Annual Meeting in December 2017.

Allen Witham appointed Ray Cabano and Jon Peterson to be co-Tournament Chairmen for the Poston Cup Tournament in November 2017.  After discussion, it was the consensus that Club Representatives will not solicit items from their clubs to be awarded as door prizes at the Poston Cup Tournament.

Other Notes and Adjournment

After discussion, the location and date of the 2017  Annual Meeting was confirmed for San Jose CC  on December 7, 2017.

There being no other business raised for consideration by the meeting, it was duly adjourned about 11:30  AM. A lunch followed by golf was then enjoyed by a number of the persons present.

Respectfully submitted

/Ray A. Mantle/

Ray A. Mantle, Secretary


Exhibit A

Jacksonville Florida Senior Men’s Interclub
Income Statement
For the Year Ending December 31, 2016
Balance Carried Forward  $  1,635.14
Revenues 2016  $  4,245.78
Total revenues  $  5,880.92
Administrative Expenses  $  5,146.31
Net Income  $     734.61