Minutes 12-2017

Minutes of the

Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub Representative

Annual Meeting

San Jose Country Club

December 7, 2017

The Annual Meeting of the member Club Representatives of the Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub was held December 7, 2017 at the San Jose Country Club.  Present were Ray Mantle and Bruce MacDonald (QH),  Allen Witham and Barney Poston (HH), Dave Spring (MC), Ray Cabano (ML), Joe Pierce and Mac McKernan (OP), Jon Peterson (OC), Bill Basney (SJ),  Dick Fruechtenicht (LP), George Goldsmith (EH), Glenn Dobrick (SG), Skip Lunsford (JG), Bob McBride and John Davis (WGV),  Tony Hubbard (DC), and Bob Steck, Ron Dunlap and Paul Orico for Palencia.  Jack Garrity did not attend the meeting.

The meeting started shortly after 10 AM. Allen Witham acted as the Meeting Facilitator and Ray Mantle acted as the Secretary of the Meeting.  Allen had earlier sent out the agenda.    Bill Basney welcomed everyone to the San Jose Country Club and hosted the meeting facilities.

The first order of business was approval of the minutes of the June 8, 2017 Semi-Annual Meeting.  By resolution made and passed the minutes were approved as earlier circulated and submitted. The minutes are posted on the SMI website.


SMI Treasurer Bruce MacDonald gave a financial report as of November 13, 2017 with a negative balance of $6.29 after payment of all expenses through and including the Poston Cup Tournament.    A copy of the 2017 income statement through November 13, 2017 is attached as Exhibit A.

Dave Spring, Chairman of the Conduct Committee,  reported there was nothing to report.

Bill Basney, Scheduling Chairman, reported on the dates for the 2018 season and the status of contracts either signed or sent for signature by the Clubs. The 2018 schedule to date is posted on the SMI website.  By resolution duly made and passed Deerwood Country Club was approved as the site of the 2018 Poston Cup tournament, subject to Bill Basney negotiating acceptable contract terms.

Jack Garrity, SMI’s Technology Advisor, was not present.  Barney Poston, SMI Chairman Emeritus and Webmaster, reported that he was not aware of any issues regarding the SMI website.  Barney noted the website hosting is free, but there is a small annual fee to renew the domain name.  Barney also noted the website produces a small amount of income from advertisements and clicks on Google.

Old Business

Dick Fruechtenicht gave a report for the Task Force on Pace of Play.  Based on experience where stationary marshals on the course have noted times for the groups, it is possible for a 4 ½ hour round to be the standard, which was the objective in addressing course loading, slow play, etc.  Discussion then focused on how to arrange for marshals and concluding announcements so carts leave by 8:50 for a 9AM start to help achieve this 4 ½ hour goal.  Dick recommended continued use of the group timing sheets for the next six months, together with stationary marshals.  Dick also noted that certain players were slow and relevant Club Representatives should be sent an email about speaking with those identified team members regarding pace of play and measures to address slow play.   Discussion of penalties either to slow play individuals or slow play groups did not result in any consensus at this time.

By resolution duly made and passed it was agreed that the following pace of play actions will be taken:

  1. The hosting Club for each SMI tournament is requested to provide at least two stationary non-employee marshals to assist players in maintaining a4 ½ hour round pace of play (three marshals would be better).
  2. Barney Poston will modify the roster notice portion of the SMI website to encourage members not playing in an SMI tournament to act as marshals and to provide a means for these persons to sign up (Dick Fruechtenicht will provide the text to be put on the SMI website).

New Business

                Glenn Dobrick as Chairman of the Nominating Committee reported.  Glenn had recruited Dick Fruechtenicht and Skip Lunsford to serve on the Nominating Committee with him.  The Nominating Committee has arranged for all present officers to serve another year; accordingly by unanimous consent the present officers were elected to serve an additional one year term.  The officers are Allen Witham, Chairman;  Dick  Fruechtenicht, Vice Chairman; Bruce MacDonald, Treasurer; and Ray Mantle, Secretary.

Bob McBride then spoke about variable rate pricing, noting that World Golf Village wanted an additional $4 if SMI schedules itstournament at King & Bear, as compared to Slammer & Squire. After some discussion, there was no consensus about making any changes at this time.

Skip Lunsford spoke about the procedure for tie breaking when two teams have identical team scores.  Presently, the top 5 scores are used. If that does not break the tie, the top 4 scores are used, etc.  Skip proposed it would be better to use 7 (rather than 5) scores in the first instance, etc. Barney Poston noted some teams only have 6 players and the present scoring software could not accommodate Skip’s proposal.  Upon motion duly made and passed it was agreed to adopt Skip’s proposal, to become effective upon Jack Garrity modifying the scoring software to change the tie breaking system.

Ray Mantle then raised the question of how teams based at public courses determine eligibility for players to participate in SMI tournaments, etc. After discussion the view was there was no present need to change how the teams are being managed and no action was required.

Bill Basney then noted that the Rules needed to be revised to change the Member Club roster to remove Magnolia Point and add Palencia effective December 2017.  Upon motion duly made and unanimously passed the Rules are hereby revised to change the Member Club roster to remove Magnolia Point and add Palencia effective December 2017.

Bill Basney then moved that the SMI year for its 2018 tournament season commence December 1, 2017. Upon motion duly made and unanimously passed the Rules are hereby revised to provide that the SMI year for its 2018 tournament season commence December 1, 2017.

Bill Basney then moved that the team size be reduced to 7 in the interest of helping pace of play by having a smaller field.  After discussion, including that such reduction would reduce the gross revenue received by the hosting Member Club by $868, it was agreed that the SMI tournament at San Jose CC in March 2018 would have teams of 7 to determine what change (if any) is measurable in the average time for rounds played by the field of 98.

Other Notes and Adjournment

After discussion, the location and date of the 2018  Semi-Annual Meeting was confirmed for  Palencia CC on a date in June 2018 to be set by Bill Basney in consultation with the Palencia Club Representatives.

There being no other business raised for consideration by the meeting, it was duly adjourned about 11:20  AM.  A lunch followed by golf was then enjoyed by a number of the persons present.

Respectfully submitted

/Ray A. Mantle/

Ray A. Mantle, Secretary

Exhibit A

Jacksonville Florida Senior Men’s Interclub

Date Description  Income  Expense Balance
1/1/2017 Balance carried forward  $     734.61  $     734.61
1/9/2016 San Jose County Club  $     303.00  $  1,037.61
1/11/2017 Jack Garrity: Cardstock, Printer Cartridge  $     (107.39)  $     930.22
1/26/2017 LGB Industries Inc.: Advertising  $     152.00  $  1,082.22
2/6/2017 Marsh Creek Country Club  $     333.00  $  1,415.22
3/6/2017 Osprey Cove  $     309.00  $  1,724.22
3/6/2017 Barney Poston-Tax for Google  $       (15.00)  $  1,709.22
4/10/2016 Country Club of Orange Park  $     330.00  $  2,039.22
5/1/2017 Hidden Hills  $     324.00  $  2,363.22
6/8/2017 Jack Garrity: Cardstock  $     (351.51)  $  2,011.71
6/18/2017 Queens Harbour  $     336.00  $  2,347.71
8/14/2017 Slammer & Squire  $     336.00  $  2,683.71
9/18/2017 Sawgrass Cancelled /Hurricane Irma  $              –  $  2,683.71
10/16/2017 Eagle Harbor  $     324.00  $  3,007.71
11/13/2017 Deerwood CC (Poston Cup)  $     336.00  $  3,343.71
11/13/2017 Poston Cup 1st Place: Hidden Hills  $   (600.00)  $  2,743.71
11/13/2017 Poston Cup 2nd Place: Orange Park  $    (450.00)  $  2,293.71
11/13/2017 Poston Cup 3rd Place: World Golf Village  $     (300.00)  $  1,993.71
11/13/2017 Poston Cup 4th Place: Marsh Landing  $     (250.00)  $  1,743.71
11/13/2017 Poston Cup 5th Place: Eagle Harbor  $     (150.00)  $  1,593.71
11/13/2017 Poston Cup 6th Place: Deercreek  $     (100.00)  $  1,493.71
11/13/2017 Poston Cup Door prizes  $  (1,500.00)  $        (6.29)
Sub Total  $  3,083.00  $  (3,823.90)
Totals  $  3,817.61  $  (3,823.90)  $        (6.29)