Minutes of the
Senior Men’s Interclub Representative
Annual Meeting
World Golf Village
December 12, 2019
The Annual Meeting of the Member Club Team Representatives of the Jacksonville Senior Men’s Interclub was held December 12, 2019 at World Golf Village. Present were Ray Mantle and Bruce MacDonald (QH), Allen Witham and Barney Poston (HH), Vincent Celestino (MC), Mark Rutland (DC), Joe Pierce and Mac McKernan (OP), Jon Peterson (QC), Alan Harmon and Mike Smith (Si), Dick Fruechtenicht and Bob Dewey (LP), Jack Garrity and George Goldsmith (EH), Skip Lunsford (JG), Bob McBride (WGV), James Kerr (PC) and Ray Cabano (ML). Glenn Dobrick (SG) did not attend.
The meeting started shortly after 10 AM. Dick Fruechtenicht acted as the Meeting Facilitator and Ray Mantle acted as the Secretary of the Meeting. Dick had earlier sent out the agenda. Bob McBride welcomed everyone to World Golf Village and hosted the meeting facilities.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of the June 20, 2019 Semi-Annual Meeting. By resolution made and passed the minutes were approved as earlier circulated and submitted. The minutes are posted on the SMI website.
SMI Treasurer Bruce MacDonald gave a financial report as of November 30, 2019 with a balance of $564.71 after payment of all outstanding bills. A copy of the financial report will be posted on the SMI website as Exhibit A to these minutes.
Allen Witham reported on the scheduling dates for the 2020 season and the status of contracts either signed or sent for signature by the Clubs. The 2020 schedule to date is posted on the SMI website.
Jack Garrity, SMI’s Technology Advisor, gave a technology report (a copy is posted on the SMI website as Exhibit B to these minutes).
Barney Poston, SMI Chairman Emeritus and Webmaster, reported that the SMI website has been upgraded recently, is operating reliably and he was not aware of any issues regarding the SMI website. Barney noted the SMI website produces a small amount of income from advertisements and clicks on Google. The JAXSI domain name will come up for renewal in the future, at a cost of approximately $50 for two years.
Nominating Committee Report
The Nominating Committee (Ray Cabana, Chairman) reported on its nomination of SMI officers for 2020 as
Chairman – Dick Fruechtenicht Vice Chairman – Skip Lunsford
Treasurer – Bruce MacDonald Secretary – Ray Mantle
Allen Witham —Scheduling Chairman
Old Business
Skip Lunsford reported on the December 9th Eagle Harbor multiple tee results. There was discussion about the pairings of players on the back and forward tees in the same group as compared to all one tee or the other. There was discussion about the multiple tees impact on the pace of play and whether the forward tees afforded a scoring advantage. Bob McBride noted that the team scores in 2018 were comparable to the 2019 team scores so on that basis the multiple tees did not appear to have a significant scoring effect. The question was raised if the forward tees should be restricted by age or handicap limitation. It was proposed that multiple tees be used at the Long Point tournament in March as a second experiment. Dick Fruechtenicht noted the World Handicap System to become effective January 1, 2020 provides an automatic adjustment for different tees. After further discussion, by motion duly made, seconded and adopted, the Representatives agreed to have two tees used at the Long Point tournament in March as a second experiment.
Ray Mantle reported on alternate scoring systems. After the 2018 Annual Meeting he followed up with Scott Johnson, the Golf Genius representative who attended the 2018 Annual Meeting, to see if an acceptable fee arrangement could be mutually agreed. Ray proposed that, in lieu of the $2500 annual fee quoted by Scott Johnson at the 2018 meeting, Golf Genius charge a fee only for those member Clubs that did not have the Premium Golf Genius software and that the fee be $ 45 per event. Scott Johnson did not reply to Ray’s proposal and no further communication with Golf Genius has taken place.
Ray reported that Leaderboard King software, which uses an electronic input using cell phones, would be able to handle the Stableford scoring system used by the SMI, as well as handling the handicapping and record keeping. However, Leaderboard King would charge a fee of $1.00 per golfer per tournament, totaling approximately $1,344 for SMI’s 11 monthly tournaments, plus the Poston Cup. The Leaderboard King software does not input scores by scanning and they would not give Jack Garrity access to the source code to allow him to provide for scanning input. Tom Sheridan, the Leaderboard King representative, indicated some aspects of an arrangements were negotiable, so some flexibility in pricing and other aspects might be expected, but without giving any indication what accommodations might in fact be made.
Dick Fruechtenicht then reported he had spoken with Glenn Dobrick about the status of the Sawgrass CC clubhouse renovation, fee expectations, etc. with no resolution at this time. Glenn expects that around mid-January he will have further information from the Sawgrass golf committee. After discussion, by motion duly made, seconded and adopted, the Representatives agreed that Sawgrass CC be continued as a Member Club in 2020 pending determination of future arrangements, but with the caveat that if SMI events cannot be held at Sawgrass on mutually acceptable terms it cannot continue as a Member Club.
Mac McKernan then reported about the status of the Orange Park golf course. A copy of his report is posted on the SMI website as Exhibit C to these minutes. After discussion, by motion duly made, seconded and adopted, the Representatives agreed that Orange Park be continued as a Member Club in 2020 pending future determination regarding sale of the course, its renovation in an acceptable manner, etc.
New Business
Dick Fruechtenicht then raised for discussion the need to modify the SMI handicapping system to conform to the World Handicap System becoming effective January 1, 2020. He presented a summary of the issues (a copy is posted on the SMI website as Exhibit D to these minutes). After discussion, by motion duly made and seconded the Representatives adopted the recommended changes in the SMI handicapping system to conform to the World Handicap System becoming effective January 1, 2020, provided the maximum SMI handicap will be capped at 36.4..
Dick Fruechtenicht raised for discussion the $65 charge for the monthly SMI tournaments, other than the Poston Cup event. He noted the fee has not been changed since 2015 and, if it were adjusted to reflect cost-of-living increases since 2015, the fee would be approximately $71. After discussion, by motion duly made, seconded and adopted by show of hands the Representatives agreed, effective January 1, 2020, the monthly fee for SMI tournaments will be $70.
In connection with Allen Witham’s report about the scheduling for 2020, upon motion duly made, seconded and passed it was agreed that the Poston Cup tournament for 2020 would be held at Deerwood Country Club at a date in November to be worked out with the Deerwood Pro Shop. Jon Peterson and Ray Cabano agreed to serve as Co- Tournament Directors again for the event.
Other Notes and Adjournment
After discussion, the location and date of the 2020 Semi-Annual Meeting was confirmed for the Jacksonville Golf & CC on June 18, 2020.
There being no other business raised for consideration by the meeting, it was duly adjourned about 11:45 AM. A lunch was then enjoyed by a number of the persons present, followed by golf on the Slammer and Squire course.
Respectfully submitted
/Ray A. Mantle/
Ray A. Mantle, Secretary
Exhibit C — Orange Park Report
Exhibit D — World Handicap System changes in SMI handicapping