Minutes 12-2022




Date/Location – December 20, 2022 at Palencia Club

Call to Order – 9:30 am by Chairman Robert (Bob) McBride

Introductions and Announcements – Deercreek/Mark Rutland, Eagle Harbor/Jim Bagley & Fred Track, Eagle Landing/Mac McKernan, Hidden Hills/Barney Poston & Allen Witham, Jacksonville G&CC/Skip Lunsford, Long Point/Dick Fruechtenich, Marsh Creek/Tim Nichols, Marsh Landing/Ray Cabano, Osprey Cove/Jon Peterson, Palencia/Jim Kerr & Steve Pease, Queen’s Harbour/Bruce MacDonald & John Asmuth, San Jose/Alan Harmon, Sawgrass CC/John Caden, and World Golf Village/Bob McBride.

Approval of June 23,2022 Minutes – Minutes available on-line and sent out before this meeting by email per the Secretary.  Approval moves, seconded, and approved by verbal vote.

Officer Reports –

Financials – The financials were presented by Treasurer Bruce MacDonald. After all the bills for SMI year 2022, we have a balance of $582.14.  Bruce will step down after this Reps Meeting and the group showed their appreciation for his 6 years of service with a round of applause.

Scheduling – Allen Witham presented the SMI Match schedule for 2023 as follows; 1/23 Eagle Landing, 2/13 Hidden Hills, 3/20 San Jose, 4/24 Palencia Club, 5/15 Marsh Creek, 6/19 WGV – Slammer & Squire, 7/10 Sawgrass CC, 8/28 Long Point, 9/25 Eagle Harbor, October ? Marsh Landing, and Deerwood CC for The Poston Cup (date TBD).

2023 pricing was discussed and a motion was passed that the standard fee for 2023 would be $75/golfer with $3 toward SMI administration, $8 to the host club for prizes with exceptions of $80/golfer at Long Point, $85/golfer at Sawgrass CC, and Deerwood CC would be either $85 or $90/golfer for 2023.  An ad hoc committee was established to propose guidelines for deciding on the criteria for the fee levels in the future (Chair-Alan Harmon, Members-John Caden, Junius Hill, Skip Lunsford, Tim Nichols, & Jon Peterson.

  1. Technical Support – Bob McBride reported that Leaderboard King has corrected most of the technical issues. Further discussion below under “Old Business”.
  2. Webmaster – Barney Poston reported that everything is currently working well. The “domain name” (jaxsi.org) costs us about $20 per year.   and the one ad on the site more than pays for these costs.  It is currently paid up through January 5, 2024.  There are two advertisements on the website that bring us $152 income yearly.  That is expected to continue.  Barney again requested a volunteer to train to maintain the website as he anticipates needing to turn over these responsibilities in the near future.  Fred Track thinks he has a potential person for this.

Nominating Committee Report – Ray Cabano related that the SMI has two vacancies for Officers and he presented the names of John Asmuth as Treasurer and Fred Track as Vice Chairman.  The slate of nominated Officers were accepted as presented.  The other Officers for 2023 will be Chairman Bob McBride, and Secretary Alan Harmon.

Old Business – A.  Leaderboard King – An update regarding this service was provided by Chairman Bob McBride.  The price for 2023 will be $450.  The “new player” limit will remain 38 points off their established GHIN handicap for the first 3 SMI Matches.  Some of the hoped for improvements have proven a bit more challenging than anticipated but they are still working with Bob to resolve them.  It is critical that the golfers resolve the differences between the electronic and paper scorecards before signing the cards and finalizing the Leaderboard Electronic score card.

  1.   Pace-of-Play – A sheet called “SMI Pace-of-Play Requirements was passed out.  This document was generated by a small Task Force regarding Pace-of-Play several years ago but has not been handed out to the golfers on a regular basis.  Also, the SMI Rules state that we are to have “Marshalls” circulate around the golf course on SMI Match days to spot and encourage slow groups to keep up with the group in front of them and it was agreed to resume this practice.  A motion to form an ad hoc committee to review and submit proposals to our next Meeting was not approved.

COVID Update – It was discussed and voted to revert our Match group pairings system to the prior random system which can be programed into the computer for a reduced work to those running the website.

Course set up & yardages – It was decided, after some discussion, to keep the firm 5,400 – 6,000 yardages for the SMI Matches for 2023.  Only one tee per match.  Team Reps to work with the Club Pro on “fair pin placement”.

New Business – A.  We will use the GHIN for New Golfers only but after 3 SMI Matches, each golfer will play under their SMI handicap.

  1. A request was made for permission to play a practice round at SMI clubs in the month before a Match.  The requesting Rep then said he would contact each Rep individually.  No policy was established.
  2.   Mark Rutland volunteered to explore hosting the June 2023 SMI Reps Meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.

Alan Harmon, SMI Secretary.