World Handicap System Implementation

Exhibit D (Reps Meeting Dec 2019)

World Handicap System Implementation


Applying the WHS to SMI Systems

 The introduction in 2020 of the World Handicap System will have an impact on several aspects of our SMI scoring and handicapping systems.


  1. Determining a course Differential and Index

Currently, the formula for determining a Handicap Differential is

  Handicap Differential = (Adjusted Gross Score-USGA Course Rating) x 113 / Slope Rating

The average of the 10 lowest differentials of the previous 20 scores is multiplied by 96%. The result, rounded to a tenth, is the Handicap Index.

The new formula for determining a Handicap Differential is:

     Handicap Diff. = (113 / Slope Rating) x (Adjusted Gross Score – Course Rating – PCC Adjustment)

Using our current rules for number of scores to be counted (e.g. best 3 of last 6), the new formula for Handicap Differential should be incorporated.

Note:  The PCC (Playing Conditions Calculation) is determined after all scores for the course for a day have been posted and affects players’ subsequent daily index.  I’m not sure how or if we can account for this in our scoring records.  More information is needed.  I can’t imagine a situation where a tournament result would wait for the PCC to be applied and affect the outcome of the event the following day.

  1. Determining Course Handicap

Currently, the formula for determining a Course Handicap is:

  Course Handicap = Index x Slope/113

The new formula for determining a Course Handicap is:

  Course Handicap = (Index x Slope/113) + (Course Rating – Par)

This new formula should be incorporated in our Course Handicaps for matches.  Since the Course Rating is now taken into account, there are no adjustments needed for players using different tees.

  1. Maximum Hole Score

Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) is being replaced with Maximum Hole Score, defined as “Net Double Bogey”.  Said another way, the Maximum Hole Score we should incorporate in our scoring system is double bogey plus any handicap strokes the player would receive.