Minutes 12-2024

Minutes of the December 12, 2024 SMI Reps Meeting


  1. CALL TO ORDER – Chairman Robert (Bob) McBride called the SMI Reps Meeting to order at 9:30 am on December 12, 2024 at San Jose Country Club.
  2. INTRODUCTIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS – The following Reps signed at the meeting; Jamie Montgomery (Deercreek), Mike McBride (Eagle Harbor), Randy Renninger (Eagle Landing), Hidden Hills (absent), Jacksonville Golf and Country Club (Skip Lunsford), Long Point (Bob Dewey), Marsh Creek (Tim Nichols), Marsh Landing (Ray Cabano & Michael Sletten), Osprey Cove (Jon Peterson & Ken Wiechert), Palencia (Steve Pease), Queen’s Harbour (John Asmuth), San Jose (Alan Harmon), Sawgrass (Joe Cronauer), and World Golf Village (Bob McBride). Mike McBride confirmed that Eagle Harbor was withdrawing from the SMI and would not field a team in 2025.  He stated that the primary reason was that they could no longer field a full eight player team.  He suggested that the increasing fees being charged at several of the member Clubs for SMI Matches and the 5-hour long SMI Matches were contributing factors in his inability to field a team.  The Reps decided not to seek a replacement team in 2025 but would revisit the number of teams in the SMI at the June 2025 SMI Meeting.
  3. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 2024 SMI REPS MEETING MINUTES – The June 2024 Meeting Minutes were reviewed in July 2024 via email and were distributed again by email 12/11/24. The Minutes were approved as presented.
    • FINANCIALS – John Asmuth presented his typed report. The balance carried forward 1/1/24 was $571.33, a check was given to Leaderboard King for $500.00 on 4/16/24, a check for $15.16 was given to Barney Poston for our Domain Name on 4/16/24, prizes totaling $1,972.47 were awarded at the Poston Cup 12/2/24, leaving a balance of $1,516.70.  This sum was chosen to cover the potential expenditures of up to $1,200.00 for the upcoming Leaderboard King projects.  Please see the attached typed report for details.
    • Allen Witham is traveling but had previously forwarded his proposed SMI 2025 Schedule to Chairman McBride. All are on a Monday except for San Jose (Wednesday) – Jax Golf (1/27 – $100/golfer), Osprey Cove (2/24), Palencia (3/24), Eagle Landing (4/14), Slammer & Squire (5/19), San Jose (6/25), Long Point (7/21), Sawgrass (8/25), Queen’s Harbour (9/8), and Marsh Creek (10/6).  Deerwood Country Club indicated that they currently plan to have a major renovation to their course and they would not plan on hosting the Poston Cup in 2025.  Several names were proposed as replacements including Eagle Harbor, St. Johns Golf and Country Club, The Plantation at Ponte Vedra, and Stillwater Country Club.  A discussion regarding Pace-of-Play and increasing fees for SMI Matches was held (see below under Old Business).
    • TECHNICAL SUPPORT – Jack Garrity forwarded two emails with extensive data regarding SMI play and reassurances that he would continue to provide his services for 2025. He continues to request someone to assist him and eventually assume his duties.  See the Leaderboard King discussion below.
    • WEBMASTER – Barney Poston is requesting someone to assume the position of webmaster this year but will continue these duties for now.
  5. REPORT OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE – Ray Cabano reported that the current officers and committee chairs have agreed to continue in their current positions. Allen Witham will retire effectively June 2025.
    • LEADERBOARD KING UPDATE – Bob McBride has been working with LBK on several projects including Equitable Stroke Control, Pairings, “our” handicap system, and replication of our Match-day “Scoreboard”. LBK needs every golfer’s email and access to their recent scores and the course (& tees) where these scores were made in order to maintain “our” handicap system.  LBK has estimated that it will need about $1,200.00 to incorporate changes in their program to accomplish our needed changes.
    • TEAM REPS. RESPONSIBILITIES – The tips to the outside cart staff improves when the Reps stress to their golfers and when it is mentioned by the HOST SMI REP during announcements. The Pace-of-Play (POP) seems to have improved somewhat with the circulating Marshalls (Reps need to arrange for these at their Clubs) during the Matches.  The Reps also need to stress POP to their golfers.  The Reps need to help the Pro Staff pick EASY pin positions for Matches at their Club.  (Of note, the round by the Reps at San Jose after this meeting was completed in 4 hours and 7 minutes.  It can be done by our golfers).  There was no appetite to impose penalties for groups of “slow golfers” during SMI Matches.  The past efforts were reviewed including reducing the teams to 6 golfers, pressing the foursomes to play “ready golf’, requesting “continuous putting”, clean the clubs and record the scores at the NEXT tee box, and so on.  Regarding the increasing fees for the SMI Matches, it was requested that the recent study regarding Match Fees be included in this document as information but not as an official part of the Minutes,  [The following “fee ranges” were suggested in  the Study of Criteria for SMI Fees; $80-90 for Sawgrass, Long Point, San Jose, Jax Golf, and WGV, $70-80 for Marsh Landing, Osprey Cove, Palencia, and Deercreek, and $60-70 for Eagle Harbor, Eagle Landing, Queen’s Harbour, and Hidden Hills].
    • WEBSITE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT – Remind your team members that
      • the individual golfers must resolve all scoring issues BEFORE signing the paper score card and that it must match the electronic record BEFORE it is signed. Once turned in, the paper copy is final.
    • CLUB STAFF TIPS – The announcements do work to remind the golfers to tip the outside cart staff. Ask your team members to tip the cart staff upon arrival to increase the chances we will be seen as fair to generous tippers.
    • JUNE SMI REPS MEETING – Palencia has agreed to hold the next (June 2025) Team Reps Meeting.
  8. Adjournment was declared at 11:38 am.

These are DRAFT MINUTES.  Please forward your additions, deletions, and/or corrections to Alan Harmon by December 23 at 5 pm.  Thank you!