Location – Sawgrass Country Club
Date/Time – June 16, 2021 at 10 am
Facilitator – Bob McBride
Minutes – Glenn Green (for Alan Harmon) and Bob McBride
(*) indicates the name of that Club’s normal SMI Representative that was unable to attend this meeting.
Approval of the Minutes of the December 2020 Meeting: The minutes of the prior meeting were previously circulated. It was moved, seconded, and voted to approve the minutes from that meeting.Welcome – Glen Dobrick welcomed everyone to Sawgrass Country Club and reviewed the logistics of the day.
Election of a new secretary. Ray Mantle submitted his resignation as SMI Secretary after the December SMI Meeting. It was moved, seconded, and approved that Alan Harmon of San Jose Country Club become the SMI Secretary. Glenn Green will serve today in his absence.
Remaining 2021 Schedule. The roster of clubs to be played for the rest of the 2021 season are unchanged although changes in the dates have occurred.
- Officer Reports:
1). Financials: Bruce MacDonald reported that after the Marsh Landing event on 5/10/21, we had a balance of $2,419.12.
2). Scheduling: Allen Witham reviewed the remaining schedule for 2021. No play in December 2021.
Ray Cabano and Jon Peterson will serve as “Guest Hosts” for the November SMI event at Deerwood.
Deerwood status going forward: Allen Witham noted that Deerwood management is requesting a significant increase in greens fees for 2022. A price of $100 per player for golf only was mentioned. Allen will investigate the alternatives that were discussed and present his findings at the SMI Representatives in December 2021. Suggested alternatives included St. Johns, South Hamptons, Cimarron, and the new course at Stillwater.
3). Technology: Jack Garrity provided his technology report prior to this meeting. One key item was the increased time required for “dual tees”. See Old Business for additional discussion.
4). Webmaster: Barney Poston reported on the website. It continues to pay for itself and is working well. An updated email list was provided by the Team Reps recently. Fred Track requested that Barney investigate the addition of a “drop down” feature for roster submission of each Clubs golfers for the upcoming Match. Barney agreed to do so.
5). Nominating Committee: Alan Harmon was elected to the SMI Secretary position.
- Alternate Scoring System:
Bob McBride informed the Reps the Leaderboard King (LBK) will be used for the June, July, and August SMI events. Jack Garrity has integrated the LBK and our traditional scoring system so that the bubble cards will not be required. One entry by mobile phone and one score card per each foursome signed by all four golfers will be required. LBK can be directly downloaded into the system to provide our traditional display. LBK costs $0.40 p[er player per event (of $44.80 for 112 players) for an annual contract. We negotiated a contract for the next 3 events for $50 per event. The bubble cards cost $0.28 each, so the cost per event has had a minimal change.
III. Use of Multiple Tees:
An open discussion was held. Many Reps expressed that their players liked the two options. Others expressed a counter view that the alternate tees were too short and had presented some difficulty in management. Dual tees present additional work for pairing, the website, and handicapping. Jack Garrity had noted an additional 15-30 minutes per round with the dual tees. Long Point has been designated as a dual tee option match and this topic will be reviewed at the December 2021 SMI Representatives Meeting.
- COVID Update:
It was moved, seconded, and approved to eliminate the boxed lunches as of the July SMI Match at Sawgrass. The pairings of two same club golfers in a cart with two clubs per each foursome will remain unchanged for the rest of the 2021 season.
- New Business:
Speed of Play. There was an open discussion on the topic. The Team Reps must review the goals of the competition with the Golf Staff well in advance of the event at their Club. This is an event for senior amateur golfers designed to be played at a moderate pace with adjustments for the weather conditions on the day of play. The impact of the “dual tees” will be reviewed at the December 2021 Reps Meeting. Team Reps need to alert new players that with 112 golfers, these events will always run longer than a typical round at your home course so as to set reasonable expectations for new players. Reducing the number of players would result in reduced revenue for the Country Club. Most Clubs require 100 players to turn a profit.
- December Reps Meeting:
Queen’s Harbour and Jacksonville Golf & Country Club will review their dates and get back with availability for the December Meeting.
VII. Adjournment:
It was moved, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting. 15 stayed for lunch and golf at Sawgrass Country Club.
Submitted by SMI Secretary Alan Harmon.