Officer Duties

Officer’s Duties


The following list of duties of the SMI Chairman is illustrative only and not exclusive:

  • Maintain the roster of Club Representatives, including email addresses, telephone numbers, etc. and distribute the same
  • Send an advance email notice to the Host Club Representative approximately 2 months in advance of the SMI tournament at his club – the email should include all pertinent information about the tees, tee time, scoring, prizes, lunch room arrangements, etc. to assist the Club Representative in his duties as the Tournament Director
  • Coordinate with each Host Club Representative, Barney Poston and Jack Garrity regarding posting of team rosters, preparation of pairings and score cards, etc. for the monthly SMI Tournaments and the Poston Cup Tournament
  • Coordinate with Jack Garrity regarding the script for pre-round announcements by the Host Club Representative.
  • Assist Host Club Representatives for the monthly SMI Tournaments and the Poston Cup tournament as requested or needed
  • Assist at the scoring table for monthly SMI Tournaments and the Poston Cup tournament
  • Coordinate with the Club Representatives with respect to any matters or Rules questions which may arise at a monthly SMI Tournament or the Poston Cup tournament
  • Appoint standing committees and special committees as needed, including Conduct, Handicapping, Scheduling, Website, Technical and Nominating Committees
  • Appoint the Designated Host Club Representative(s) for the Poston Cup tournament and assist as requested or needed
  • Coordinate with the SMI Treasurer regarding funds available for team prizes awarded at the Poston Cup tournament and coordinate with Club Representatives on end of the year awards.
  • Plan and conduct the Annual and Semi-Annual Meetings of the Club Representatives
  • Assist in preparation of minutes for Annual and Semi-Annual Meetings of the Club Representatives and distribute the same
  • Handle email notices and inquiries to Club Representatives about matters arising between the Annual and Semi-Annual Meetings of the Club Representatives for email discussion/input and voting on such matters
  • Work closely with the Vice-Chair to ensure continuity as responsibilities transition to the successor Chairman

Vice Chair

The Vice Chair will perform the duties of the SMI Chairman in the event of the SMI Chairman’s absence or inability to serve.  Service as Vice Chair includes the responsibility to prepare to serve as SMI Chairman.  The Club Representatives by majority vote may delegate other duties to the Vice Chair.


The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept the records of SMI, including but not limited to minutes of all meetings of the Club Representatives, and the Rules and other governing policies of SMI.  The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring the proper and legal mailing of notices to the Club Representatives and shall fulfill other responsibilities as maybe designated from time to time by the Club Representatives by majority vote.


The Treasurer shall have the responsibility to oversee the care and custody of all SMI funds and securities and the deposit of said funds in accounts for the benefit of SMI.  The Treasurer shall be one of the SMI Officers authorized to sign the SMI checks. Audits, reviews or compilations of the SMI books may be conducted by an outside person according to policies adopted by the Club Representatives by majority vote.

In the event of the absence or inability of the Treasurer to perform his office, or if the office of Treasurer becomes vacant by reason of death, resignation, disqualification or any other cause, the Club Representatives by majority vote shall immediately appoint a replacement to fulfill the unexpired term of Treasurer with all of the rights, privileges and powers as if he had been duly elected Treasurer.